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Scouts Olympic Medals Predictor Game
Predict the numbers of medals for TEAM GB and the SWISS Team
Summer Olympics 2024
Schedule: Fri 26 July – Sun 11 August
32 sports
329 medal events
987 medals available
Entries close: 11pm on Fri 26 July
1. Aim of the game – correctly predict the TOTAL number of medals that TEAM GB will be awarded during the summer Olympics 2024
2. You must split your TOTAL prediction across gold, silver and bronze medal categories, as these stats will be used in the event of a tie break
3. You must also predict the medal count for Switzerland, as these scores will also be used as part of a tie-breaker
4. At the end of the Olympic Games, the entrant whose prediction is closest to the TOTAL number of TEAM GB medals awarded (potentially after a tie-breaker process), will be declared the winner of 1st prize.
5. The 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded to the next closest predictions.
6. In the event of a tie on predictions of TOTAL GB medals, tie-breaking rules will then apply:
7. After TOTAL GB medals, the next criterion is the accuracy of GB GOLD medals, followed by SILVER, then BRONZE
(a) If players are still tied after counting Team GB BRONZE medals, then TOTAL SWISS medals will be the next criterion
(b) After TOTAL SWISS medals, the next criterion is the accuracy of SWISS GOLD medals, followed by SILVER, then BRONZE
(c) If players are still tied after comparing SWISS BRONZE medals, then that share of the prize fund will be equally split between those players
1st prize: 50% of total prize fund
2nd prize: 30% of total prize fund
3rd prize: 20% of total prize fund
If 3 or more players are still tied after the tie-breaker process, then the entire prize fund will be split equally between those players
The competition costs £5 per entry form
50% (£2.50) of each entry goes into the Prize Fund
50% (£2.50) goes towards the 1st Holmes Chapel Centenary Switzerland Trip Fundraiser
Complete this form electronically, filling in the 9 yellow shaded boxes on the ENTRY FORM tab
Predictions to be sent via email on this form to:
Payment to be made to Paypal fundraiser page:
Please ensure you add the Entrant Name as a “comment” at the time of payment in Paypal, so we can match your donation to your entry form
Closing time/date for entries: 11pm on Fri 26 July
Entries will not be included until payment has been received